механізм і штирі аварійного скидання блістера
collar insignia pins
precision inertial navigation systems (PINS)
tension release action mine / tension-release action mine
emergency service / emergency operations service
canopy express
canopy express truck
canopy frame
canopy glass
canopy lock
sliding canopy
bubble canopy
jungle canopy
jungle canopy platform (system)
reefed parachute canopy
canopy gore
under the forest canopy
observation and fields of fire, avenues of approach, key and decisive terrain,obstacles, and cover and concealment (OAKOC)
harmonization, coordination and control mechanism (HCCM)
elevating and traversing mechanism
rack and pinion elevating mechanism
traversing and elevating mechanism
clutch and brake actuating mechanism
fuze safety and arming mechanism
caution and advisory panel / emergency warning signal unit
emergency warning signal unit / caution and advisory panel
bomb release system
electrical release unit
hostage release / rescue
hostage release operations (HRO)
influence release sinker
logistics release point (LRP)