двощілинний закрилок
double-slotted flap
single-slotted flap
tripple-slotted flap
slotted flap
split flap / split-flap
flap slat CTL lever / flap and slat control lever
trailing edge flap (T.E. flap)
slotted strap
slotted aileron
slotted aerofoil
slotted aerofoil section
slotted slat
cross slotted screwdriver
single slotted screwdriver
dual purpose
dual warhead
dual-capable unit
dual-firing circuit
dual-purpose improved conventional munition (DPICM)
dual-purpose products
dual-purpose technology
dual-role aircraft
dual-thrust rocket motor
dual-use commodity
dual-use technology
High Explosive Dual Purpose (HEDP) Grenade (known as M40)
Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls for conventional arms and dual-use goods and technologies
Dual-Capable Aircraft (DCA)
dual-point load rigging procedures
dual axis rate transducer
dual bell двопозиційне