виявляти інший підводний човен за шумом гвинтів
grind sounds
another Fallujah
We've made it through another day. - Well, damn it anyway!
contra-rotating propellers
family of propellers
quick release propellers
detect a target
detect and extinguish fire
decide, detect, deliver (D3)
detect fire
detect casualties
detect and avoid (D&A / DAA)
anti-submarine search
anti-submarine ship
anti-submarine warfare (ASW)
anti-submarine warfare cruiser
anti-submarine warfare officer
anti-submarine warfare patrol aircraft
anti-submarine warfare platform
anti-submarine warfare sensor data
anti-submarine warfare ship
attack submarine (SSN)
ballistic missile submarine (SSBN)
coastal submarine
disabled submarine (DISSUB)
distressed submarine (DISSUB)
distressed submarine personnel
guidance submarine
guided missile submarine
HM Submarine