палубний офіцер-регулювальник
weather deck (main deck)
field officer (field-grade officer / senior officer)
officer of the deck
ammunition handling and storage system
anti-handling fuse
chlorination (water handling)
deployable fuel handling equipment (DFHE)
desalination (water handling)
fuel handling equipment (FHE)
handling characteristics
handling system
handling weapon
mechanical handling equipment (MHE)
petroleum handling equipment (PHE)
Petroleum Handling Equipment Working Group (PHEWG)
remote-handling device
tactical fuel handling equipment (TFHE)
water handling
confidential-modified / confidential modified handling (authorized information)
list of items requiring special handling
modified handling authorized
air-handling equipment
ease of handling
easy of handling
handling equipment
handling of gasoline
handling quality of gun
cargo handling agent (at airports)
cargo handling / loading and unloading operations
ground handling charge