контррозвідувальне розслідування (про розвідку / термін спецслужб)
refueling probe / refuelling probe
mine probe / probing rod
probe-and-drogue refueling system
probing rod / probe
wind probe station
balloon probe
sampling probe
rocket probe measurements
air pressure probe
free air temperature probe
gust probe
under-wing probe-and-drogue tanking pod
space probe
probe into the defenses
active counterintelligence measures
counterintelligence (CI)
counterintelligence investigations
passive counterintelligence measures
significant counterintelligence brief
academic classes that provide instruction on counterintelligence
counterintelligence agency
counterintelligence aspects of the relationship
counterintelligence awareness
counterintelligence files
counterintelligence process
counterintelligence risk
counterintelligence specialist
deputy head of counterintelligence
have access to counterintelligence files
head of counterintelligence
gathering counterintelligence information