донесення про бойові втрати
combat umpire loss
certificate of combat loss or destruction
Meteorological Terminal Aviation Routine Weather Report / Meteorological Aerodrome Report (METAR)
loss of efficiency
loss of life
loss of promotion
loss of rank
loss of seniority
operational loss
permanent loss(es)
repair a loss
loss of link (LOL)
velocity loss
control-loss accident
loss of tail rotor effectiveness
loss-of-control warning
energy loss
tracking loss
nonrecoverable loss
calculated loss risk
range-gate loss
certificate of loss
Minimum of the alternative indicator for 'link quality' based on frame loss
Period of time in Stage 1 failsafe after signal loss (seconds)
combat-loaded weight / combat loaded weight
combat trouser belt, combat belt
air combat / air-combat
Future Combat Air System (FCAS) / (фр.) Système de combat aérien futur (SCAF)
accident report
as-required report
bombing report