(іст.) тактика дій колонами
columnar attitude
scorched earth tactics (scorch-earth tactics)
Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape tactics (SERE tactics)
defense tactics
harassing tactics
hit and run tactics
major tactics
maneuver tactics
mobile tactics
salami tactics
sea-borne guerilla tactics
Special Tactics Squadron (STS)
special tactics team (STT)
SWAT (special weapons and tactics)
tactic = tactics
Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTP)
Fabian tactics / strategy
mission-type tactics / mission command (нім. Auftragstaktik)
STACK (Strategy, Tactics, Attributes, Conversation, and Knowledge)
Army tactics, techniques, and procedures (ATTP)
flanking tactics
battering ram tactics
coercive tactics
intelligence tactics
linear tactics
aggressive tactics
combined operational tactics
nibbling tactics
elastic tactics
hit-and-run tactics
fire tactics