тактика таранного удару
scorched earth tactics (scorch-earth tactics)
Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape tactics (SERE tactics)
battering charge
anti-ram barriers
radar-absorbent materials (RAM)
reliability, availability, and maintainability (RAM)
Counter Rocket, Artillery, and Mortar (C-RAM; CRAM)
ram the projectile
rocket, artillery, and mortar warn (RAM Warn)
ram air duct
ram air turbine
ram air-breathing jet engine
ram-air flow
ram airflow
ram ahead
ram attack
radar-absorbent material (RAM)
radiation-absorbent material (RAM)
defense tactics
harassing tactics
hit and run tactics
major tactics
maneuver tactics
mobile tactics
salami tactics
sea-borne guerilla tactics
Special Tactics Squadron (STS)
special tactics team (STT)
SWAT (special weapons and tactics)
tactic = tactics