розчищення секторів обстрілу
fields of fire
observation and fields of fire
observation and fields of fire, avenues of approach, key and decisive terrain,obstacles, and cover and concealment (OAKOC)
secondary radiation fields computation
slant fire; diagonal fire; oblique fire; fire to the oblique
casualty clearing point
clearing house (for information sharing)
clearing station
division clearing station
mine clearing charge
mine-clearing blade (MCB)
mine-clearing roller (MCR)
mine-clearing tank
casualty clearing point (CCP)
clearing and isolating operation to root out enemy fighters
clearing operation
dismounted clearing operation
mine clearing operations
mine-clearing roller disc
tank-propelled mine-clearing roller
clearing block
explosive method of mine-clearing
information clearing house
path-clearing party
snow clearing machine
advanced clearing station
clearing company
clearing detachment
clearing group
clearing hospital
clearing mark