радіообмін відкритим текстом
clear text
keep road clear for traffic
end of text
formatted message text
plain text
structured message text
text format
innocuous text message
free form message text
cipher text
special text
secret text
Warning text that appears when the battery voltage falls below warning threshold
loud and clear (radio com.)
radio traffic
radio-traffic analysis technician
single-channel ground and airborne radio system (SINCGARS) radio
radio pouch, PRR pouch / personal role radio pouch
radio rucksack, radio carrier rucksack
radio-radar; radio/radar
clear / cut a gap
clear a fence
clear a misfire
clear out
I read you loud and clear
loud and clear
report clear
shoot oneself clear
clear field of fire
all clear
all-clear signal
clear (a ship) for action