проходити район (пункт)
clear the release point
clear the target area
ballistic impact point (BIP) / ground (predicted) impact point (PIP)
target approach point; initial point (IP)
triangulation point (trig point)
objective rally point / objective rallying point
point-to-point communication
point-to-point flight
near-side rally point / near side rally point
far-side rally point / far side rally point
clear / cut a gap
clear a fence
clear a misfire
clear out
I read you loud and clear
loud and clear
report clear
shoot oneself clear
clear field of fire
all clear
all-clear signal
clear (a ship) for action
Clear for action!
clear mines
clear opening
clear the gun
clear-blending value
keep road clear for traffic
clear air turbulence (CAT)
keep clear of the aircraft
gas clear
all clear!