Очистити ВСІ підключення (дротові) (стосується дронів)
all for one and one for all / one for all and all for one
all clear
all-clear signal
all clear!
Clear ALL
wiring party
electric wiring harness
ignition wiring harness
pod wiring harness
wiring harness
wiring harness layout / routing
taillight wiring conduit
wiring diagramm
wiring troubles
frayed wiring
wiring error
mesh wiring
defense wiring
wiring (drones)
LED Strip Wiring
via its USB port or wiring up an FTDI device
all-wheel drive / all wheel drive
clear / cut a gap
clear a fence
clear a misfire
clear out
I read you loud and clear
loud and clear
report clear
shoot oneself clear
clear field of fire