шприцеві маслянки шасі
pipe fittings
tube fittings
cargo tie-down fittings фітинги
cargo tie-down fittings
grease lubrication fittings
tie down fittings
electronic emulation and electronic countermeasures system (Leer-2) on Tigr-M chassis
mobile electronic emulation and electronic countermeasures system (Leer-2) on Tigr-M chassis
tracked chassis
wheeled chassis
crawler chassis
based on tank chassis
centralized chassis lubrication
chassis grease
chassis side rail
cross-country chassis
chassis base
chassis defilade
actuating fluid pressure
anticyclone, high-pressure area
barometric pressure
centralized tyre pressure system
constant pressure
fuse pressure plate
high-pressure bottle
high-pressure gas
high-pressure wave
low ground-pressure tracked vehicle
mechanical pressure weapon
minimum pressure drop