централізована система змащення шасі
centralized fuelling system
centralized operations
centralized tyre pressure system
AWIFM (A—Adequate FA support; W—Weight the main effort; I—Immediately available; F—Facilitate future operations; M—Maximum feasible centralized control)
centralized traffic control office
centralized control and name assignment
centralized storage depot
centralized training
electronic emulation and electronic countermeasures system (Leer-2) on Tigr-M chassis
mobile electronic emulation and electronic countermeasures system (Leer-2) on Tigr-M chassis
tracked chassis
wheeled chassis
crawler chassis
based on tank chassis
chassis grease
chassis pressure fittings
chassis side rail
cross-country chassis
chassis base
chassis defilade
lubrication oil system
hydrostatic feed lubrication
hydrostatic lubrication
atomized lubrication
breaking-down of lubrication
constant-flow lubrication
inadequate lubrication
winter lubrication transfer
high-speed lubrication
hydrodynamic lubrication region