двоконтурний газотурбінний двигун
gas turbine engine turbine unit
gas turbine engine
auxiliary gas turbine engine
cruise gas turbine engine
gas turbine engine (GTE)
gas turbine engine inlet duct
gas turbine engine inlet unit
lift gas turbine engine
lift-cruise gas turbine engine
one-shaft gas turbine engine
turbofan gas turbine engine
gas-turbine engine
gas / combustion turbine engine
by-pass turbojet engine
engine capacity / engine power, engine output
gas turbine oil
gas turbine starter
gas gun; (tear) gas launcher
solar gas engine
gas vacuum engine
liberty pass
band-pass filter / bandpass filter (BPF)
pass over a waypoint
blind pass
by-pass flow
by-pass taxiway
absence pursuant to a pass
withdraw the pass privelege
identification and pass system
safe conduct amnesty pass
safe сonduct (pass)
continue to pass instructions