магнітодинамічний вплив на корпус
bomb body (casing)
insulating casing
spent shell casing
water-proofed casing
breech casing
breech casing (of quick-firing ordnance)
front radiator casing (of a Lewis gun)
assembled casing
casing / covering
covering / casing
hydraulic damper casing
main-rotor head casing
tail rotor blade casing
tail rotor head casing
gear casing
spring casing
brass casing / brass shell case
cobalt (casing) hydrogen bomb
application of force
application of power
Center of Combat Application and Training (CCAT)
combined application
unlawful application of force
application of fire
application development system / online
application for leave
application of brakes
clutch application valve
fire control - battlefield information systems application