організація охорони державних кордонів
border (security) forces /troops
border break (cart.)
border command
border control
border crossing arrangement
border crossing point (BCP) / station
border disputes
border monitoring
border security
state border
trans-border cooperation
trans-border threat
US Border Patrol
violation of the state border
border and offshore submersible sentry
cetane number in border line
clandestine border crossing
border flight clearance
cross-border incursion
cross-border raid
border patrol drone
border fence
Air defense and Airspace Management Directorate (NATO)
air traffic flow management (ATFM)
air traffic management (ATM)
air traffic management centre (ATMC)
airspace and traffic management
airspace management
Airspace Management Section (NATO IS)
armaments information management system (AIMS)
Assistant Secretary General for Executive Management