шум від системи збільшення підіймальної сили
powered augmented lift system
lift-off / lift off
augmented deflector exhaust nozzle
augmented target
radar-augmented target
augmented target drone
GPS Aided GEO Augmented Navigation (GAGAN)
noise floor; noise level
direct lift control system (DLCS)
powered lift system
noise suppression system
environment control system noise
noise exposure forecast system
electrical noise of the measurement system
noise annoyance rating system
noise monitoring system
heavy lift capability
Heavy Lift Challenge / Capability (HLC, the Framework)
heavy-lift helicopter
heavy-lift ship
lift (transport)
lift a mine field
lift the siege
multiple lift
strategic lift
vertical-lift aircraft
intertheater lift
ammo lift
bomb-lift truck
variable-lift cam
vertical plunger priming fuel lift pump