літак вертикального зльоту
lift-off / lift off
vertical plunger priming fuel lift pump
blade flapping (the vertical movement in its plane of rotation because of differences in lift between the advancing and retreating blades)
common vertical lift support platform
instantaneous vertical speed indicator / instantaneous vertical-speed indicator (IVSI)
aeromedical air lift aircraft
vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft
heavy lift capability
Heavy Lift Challenge / Capability (HLC, the Framework)
heavy-lift helicopter
heavy-lift ship
lift (transport)
lift a mine field
lift the siege
multiple lift
strategic lift
intertheater lift
ammo lift
bomb-lift truck
variable-lift cam
hand lift truck
jack lift
jack lift point
fork lift
fork lift truck guard
actual lift
lift gas turbine engine
lift-cruise gas turbine engine
rotor lift
valve lift
wing lift