Archer Artillery System
Артилерійська система «Арчер» (лучник / стрілець) (шведська 155-мм САУ FH77 BW L52 на шасі Volvo 6×6 з автоматичною системою заряджання)
Артилерійська система «Арчер» (лучник / стрілець) (шведська 155-мм САУ FH77 BW L52 на шасі Volvo 6×6 з автоматичною системою заряджання)
main artillery (major caliber artillery)
artillery and rocket artillery
fire extinguishing system sprinkler system and fire alarm system
anti-aircraft artillery system
artillery weapons system (arty wpns sys)
CAESAR (CAmion Équipé d'un Système d'ARtillerie; English - Truck equipped with an artillery system)
field artillery delivery system
HIMARS (High Mobility Artillery Rocket System M142)
Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System (AFATDS)
AS-90, Artillery System for the 1990s / Gun Equipment 155 mm L131
antiaircraft artillery visual cueing system
field artillery tactical data system
international field artillery tactical data system
artillery and rocket delivered scatterable mine system
high-mobility artillery rocket system
Global Mobile Artillery Rocket System (GMARS)
merchant ship communication system (mercomm system)
multiple launch rocket system (MLRS); multiple rocket launcher system
Air Force weapons system / AF weapon system
attitude-and-heading reference system / attitude and heading reference system (AHRS)
selective calling system, SELCAL system
Unmanned Aerial System / Uncrewed Aircraf System (UAS)
system of system common operating environment