універсальна протигазова коробка
all for one and one for all / one for all and all for one
All-Purpose Structured EUROCONTROL Radar Information Exchange (ASTERIX)
special purpose all-terrain vehicle (S-ATV)
ALICE / All-Purpose Lightweight Individual Carrying Equipment
all purpose engine oil
all-purpose fuze
all-purpose aircraft
all-purpose flag
all-purpose gas mask
all-purpose guided missile
all-purpose gun
all-purpose individual arm
canister shot (case-shot)
missile canister
smoke grenade (smoke canister)
canister ammunition
canister effect
war canister
auxiliary canister
service canister
canister penetrating dosage
canister shot
cheek-mounted canister
canister shot (CAN)
all-wheel drive / all wheel drive
diversionary purpose target
dual purpose
dual-purpose improved conventional munition (DPICM)
dual-purpose products