air assault and airborne operations
повітряно-штурмова та повітряно-десантна операції
повітряно-штурмова та повітряно-десантна операції
Boeing E-4 Advanced Airborne Command Post (AACP) / E-4 National Airborne Operations Center (NAOC)
air assault and airborne forces
air support field pack, field pack air support, airborne / para (air support) / Pathfinder Bergen
airborne/ amphibious assault force
armored airborne assault vehicle
surface-to-air missile operations center / SAM operations center (SAMOC)
Allied Joint Doctrine for Air and Space Operations (AJP-3.3)
air operations syn. air warfare
Joint Information Operations Center /Joint Intelligence Operations Center (JIOC)
special operations forces operations (SOFOPS)
airborne and amphibious operation
airborne based sense and avoid (ABSAA)
NATO Airborne Early Warning and Control Force
single-channel ground and airborne radio system (SINCGARS) radio
Unmanned Carrier Launched Airborne Surveillance and Strike System (UCLASS)
airborne targeting and cross-cueing system
airborne targeting low altitude navigation thermal imaging and cueing (system)
ad hoc working group on the categorization of airborne navigation and communication
medium-range unmanned airborne surveillance and target acquisition system
unmanned airborne surveillance and target acquisition system