впливати на безпеку
duration of noise affect
affect with light
affect D tuning
Play with the rates and see how those affect the stick curve
safety and arming device / safety-and-arming device
air safety corridor
Allied Ammunition Storage and Safety Publications (AASTP)
arming pin; safety pin
Global Maritime Distress Safety System (GMDSS)
margin of safety
marine safety
Munitions Safety Information Analysis Centre (MSIAC) (NATO)
NATO Ammunition Safety Group
nuclear safety line
pad safety officer
public safety
safety and security
safety circuit
safety fuse
safety lane
safety mechanism
safety precautions
safety precautions for small arms
safety procedures
safety-pin ring
high angle HE safety
Memorandum on safety guarantees
minefield safety zone
minimum safety distance (MSD)
personal safety / security
safety time
Specialist glossary of terms and definitions on ammunition safety