політ для здійснення спостережень з повітря
FA survey (field artillery survey)
aerial survey operation
aerial radiological survey
aerial refueling / air refueling / in-flight refueling (IFR) / air-to-air refueling (AAR)
free-flight aerial rocket
special aerial spray flight
flight restriction zone / flight restricted zone (FRZ)
air survey
airfield-engineering and NAVAID survey
artillery survey
automated integrated survey instrument (AISI)
basic-control survey
construction survey
conventional survey
display of survey data
engineering survey
fallout survey plan
hydrographic survey
ordnance survey
plane survey
pre-deployment site survey (PDSS)
preparatory route survey
radiological monitoring and survey
satellite survey
site survey
survey control
survey data
survey equipment
survey instrument
survey meter
survey operation