(ав.) турбіна з активною системою керування зазорами
active blade-tip clearance control system
active clearance control (ACC)
gas turbine engine turbine unit
clearance control
active control
alternative turbine fuel
aviation turbine fuel
gas turbine engine
power recovery turbine
steam turbine
turbine blade
turbine disc / rotor /wheel
turbine inlet temperature indicator
turbine wheel
carrier with an oil-fueled steam turbine power plant
auxiliary gas turbine engine
axial-flow turbine
by-pass gas turbine engine
contra-rotating power turbine
cruise gas turbine engine
Euler‘s pump and turbine equation
free turbine
gas turbine engine (GTE)
gas turbine engine inlet duct
gas turbine engine inlet unit
gas turbine oil
gas turbine starter
high-pressure turbine (HPT)
impulse turbine
intermediate pressure turbine
lift gas turbine engine