технічні умови приймання і постачання (зразка)
Joint Army-Navy specifications / JAN specifications
acceptance certificate
acceptance flight
far shore acceptance
acceptance board
acceptance trials
acceptance inspection
acceptance test
exercise specifications
engineering specifications
fuel specifications
aircraft specifications
standard specifications
aircraft basic specifications
performance specifications
technical specifications
wartime specifications
specs (specifications)
fuel delivery and distribution
pick-up and delivery zone
VERTREP pick-up and delivery zone
Target, Trigger, Location, Observer, Delivery system, Attack guidance, and Communications (TTLODAC)
observation and fields of fire, avenues of approach, key and decisive terrain,obstacles, and cover and concealment (OAKOC)
aerial delivery
bulk fuel delivery system (BFDS)
CBR-capable delivery systems
covert delivery
delivery error
delivery line (pipeline)
delivery system
destruction of delivery vehicles