логістичне забезпечення силами та засобами третіх сторін
third-party logistics (services support) (TPLSS / 3PL)
third-party accident
A third party preset source is selected
third country national (TCN)
captain third rank
one-third octave band system
third order intermodulation
third-class road
third-speed gear
third echelon maintenance
Army Fuels and Lubricants Working Party (ARMY F&LWP)
assault party
beach party
belligerent party
boarding party
calling party
covering action / party
inspected state party (ISP)
inspection party
landing party
monitoring party
non-compliant party
party to the conflict
rescue party
tactical air control party (TACP)
wiring party
working party
forward air controller party
Tactical Air Support Party (TASP)
GI party
give someone a blanket party
labor gang; labor team; work party