черв'ячно-секторна рульова передача
steering device
safety and arming device / safety-and-arming device
worm and roller
defense and security sector
elevating worm
elevating worm-wheel
azimuth adjusting worm knob
azimuth worm throwout lever
winch worm bearing
winch worm brake drum
winch worm brake shoe
winch worm shaft
worm bearing adjustment
worm bearing thrust screw
worm brake cone
worm brake cup
worm release lever
worm reverse gear
worm shaft spacer tube
worm-wheel hub
double enveloping worm gear
double thread worm
undertype worm gear
Hindley worm
worm gear
worm one's way forward
worm's eye view
air intake device / air-intake device
Reset device options to the recommended defaults on this device target. Except for your custom binding phrase
Ad Hoc Steering Group on Weapons of Mass Destruction (NATO)
Alliance Ground Surveillance Steering Committee
beam steering