повна вага двигуна з охолоджувальною водою
basic weight plus fuel / wet weight
wet weight / basic weight plus fuel
combat-loaded weight / combat loaded weight
weight to correct weight
basic weight / dry weight
dry weight / basic weight
maximum take-off weight / maximum takeoff weight (MTOW)
heavy-weight torpedo / heavy weight torpedo (HWT)
wet one's stripes
wet weather gear
MVP Wet Weather Trousers
wet boresight
get wet
wet cleaner
wet cylinder liner
wet exhaust manifolds
wet guncotton
wet sand-blasting
wet sleeve construction
wet squad
wet team
wet works team
wet lease
fuselage wet area
wet corrosion
wet and dry bulb hygrometer
wet braking action
wet bulb temperature
wet snow
wet-bulb thermometer
aircraft wet lease
magnetic liquid compass / wet compass