вагова витрата
combat-loaded weight / combat loaded weight
weight to correct weight
basic weight / dry weight
basic weight plus fuel / wet weight
dry weight / basic weight
wet weight / basic weight plus fuel
maximum take-off weight / maximum takeoff weight (MTOW)
heavy-weight torpedo / heavy weight torpedo (HWT)
flow rate
volumetric rate of flow
air flow rate
elementary rate of flow
instantaneous rate of flow
mass rate of flow
rate of flow
total rate of flow
Super Rate ('Rate')
aircraft weight capacity
balance weight
barrel weight
combat weight
estimated weight
gross weight
power-to-weight ratio
size, weight, power and cooling (SWaP-C)
takeoff weight
thrust-to-weight ratio
weight of external stores
weight zone mark
AWIFM (A—Adequate FA support; W—Weight the main effort; I—Immediately available; F—Facilitate future operations; M—Maximum feasible centralized control)
agreed weight