Defense Exportability Features (DEF)
man-made features
natural features
relief features
construction features
world map of principal aeronautical features
features of synthesis algorithm implementation for reflected signals
implementation features
ESC/Motor Features
3D ESC/Motor Features
Other Features
The accelerometer has not been calibrated and features are enabled that rely on it
water jacket plug / water-jacket plug
above water warfare officer
alternate water terminal
bulk water
chlorination (water handling)
circulating water
deep water
deep-water fording kits
desalination (water handling)
domestic water
water fording kit
fresh water
hydroabrasive cutting/ water-jet cutting
hydrojet / water jet engine
insolubility in water
major water terminal
raw water
reconnaissance of water resources
reverse osmosis (water) purification unit (ROPU / ROWPU)
secondary water terminal