стикування БЧ з корпусом (напр. ракети) (tbc)
warhead-body linkman
amphibious linkman
early surface linkman
inspection linkman
combat body armour (CBA), body armour
drop head body (drop-head body)
wing-to-body fairing / wing-body fairing
missile warhead
mate a warhead to the missile
wide-body transport aircraft-based standoff cruise missile
anti-personnel warhead
anti-tank warhead
armor-piercing warhead
biological warhead
chemical warhead
cluster warhead
dual warhead
explosive warhead
external blast warhead
front section; warhead
incendiary warhead
multiple warhead
pathfinder warhead
shaped-charge warhead
tactical warhead
terminally guided warhead (TGW)
thermal warhead
improved antimateriel warhead (IAW)
warhead section
bidirectional focus warhead
mass-focus warhead