перелік потрібних матеріалів
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kill list (kill-list)
access list
Allied Disposition List (ADL)
build-up priority list
commodity control list (CCL)
critical asset list (CAL)
defended assets list (DAL)
distribution list (issue slip)
distribution list
equipment modification list
force list
Integrated Priority List (IPL)
joint prioritized target list (JPTL)
key facilities list
list of items
main event list
material requirement list
Mission Essential Task List (METL)
NATO Master Cross Reference List (NMCRL) (logistics)
prescribed load list (PLL)
prioritized critical asset list (PCAL)
prioritized defended asset list (PDAL)
regenerated frequency list
time-phased force deployment list
Target List Worksheet
high-payoff targets list (HPTL)
individual critical task list (ICTL)
joint mission essential task list (JMETL)