життєво важливі національні інтереси
national interests
national security interests
protection of national interests
disadvantage the interests
means to disadvantage the interests
upholding of interests
in interests of safety
military vital points
vital zone
vital ground
vital item
vital point
vital points
vital target
vital terrain
vital area
air national guard
Allied national authorities
Army National Guard (ARNG)
Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs
Council of National Security and Defense of Ukraine (CNSDU)
Defense National Stockpile
Inactive National Guard (ING)
intra-national terrorism
NASAMS (Norwegian / National Advanced Surface to Air Missile System)
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
national air space
national armed establishment
national boundary
National C3 Representatives (NC3REPS, NATO)
National Codification Bureau (NCB)
National Command Authorities (NCA)