регульоване реактивне сопло
propelling nozzle
variable-area nozzle
steerable nozzle (movable nozzle)
chemical composition of propelling charge
propelling charge (propellant charge)
propelling force
propelling plant
propelling powder
single-increment propelling charge
self propelling
fixed area exhaust nozzle
variable-area plotting
variable-area record section
variable-area recording (VAR)
fundamental equation of flow through the conduit of variable cross-section area
burner nozzle
cone shaped expansion nozzle
exhaust nozzle system
expansion nozzle
fuel discharge nozzle
nozzle geometry
nozzle guide vane
rocket nozzle
augmented deflector exhaust nozzle
nozzle configuration
slave nozzle
purge nozzle
accelerating nozzle
copper nozzle
delivery limit of spray nozzle
induce-flow nozzle