нагароутворення (відкладення) на тарілці клапана
valve deposits
incandescent carbon deposits
engine deposits
harmless deposits
active deposits
gum deposits
radioactive deposits
penetrating head injury / open head injury
drop head body (drop-head body)
head-to-head flyoff
infrared homing head (IR homing head)
valve head slot
valve-in-head motor
exhaust valve head
valve head
check valve / non-return valve
non-return valve / check valve
case head
cylinder head
general purpose head
head count (headcount)
head harness
head injury criterion (HIC) (med.)
Head of Directing Staff (HDS) (exercises)
Head of Logistics
Head of Mission
head room
head wind
head-on approach
head-on battle
head-up display / heads-up-display (HUD)
high explosive antitank and antipersonnel head