unmanned ground robotic vehicle
безекіпажна роботизована наземна машина; сухопутний мобільний робототехнічний апарат (сухопутний робот); наземний роботизований транспортний засіб
безекіпажна роботизована наземна машина; сухопутний мобільний робототехнічний апарат (сухопутний робот); наземний роботизований транспортний засіб
advanced explosive ordnance disposal robotic systems AEODRS
robotic systems joint project office (RS-JPO)
fire extinguishing robotic system
underwater robotic system for the autonomous neutralization of underwater mines
autonomous unmanned ground vehicle
small unmanned ground vehicle (sUGV)
soldier unmanned ground vehicle
tactical unmanned ground vehicle (TUGV)
unmanned aerial vehicle ground control station
chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear - unmanned ground sensor
intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance - unmanned ground sensor
unmanned ground sensor monitor station
advanced development unmanned undersea vehicle
advanced unmanned aerial vehicle
Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI)
attack unmanned undersea vehicle
autonomous unmanned air vehicle
close-range unmanned aerial vehicle
medium altitude long endurance (MALE) unmanned aerial vehicle