(ав.) покажчик повороту і крену
bank turn
180º turn / U-turn
U-turn / 180º turn
electric turn indicator
rate-of-turn indicator
bank-and-climb gyro unit
instantaneous vertical speed indicator / instantaneous vertical-speed indicator (IVSI)
air valve bank
angle of bank
earth bank
fog bank
home bank
inlet valve bank
left-bank tributary (of the river)
right-bank tributary (of the river)
bank control
bank index
maximum permissible angle of bank
truck bank
observation and fields of fire, avenues of approach, key and decisive terrain,obstacles, and cover and concealment (OAKOC)
hovering and low-speed indicator
vehicle position and direction indicator
lap turn
turn the tables on smb.
disrupt, fix, turn or block the enemy force
turn lead angle
uniform turn
fire in turn
turn-around inspection
coordinated turn