курсовий кут істинного вітру; напрямок істинного вітру; істиний напрям вітру
true wind angle
true wind computer
true wind velocity
true wind
wind speed and direction
wind direction indicator
wind direction (W/D)
magnetic wind direction
prevailing wind direction
wind rode / wind-rode
wind relative bearing / wind-relative bearing
wind's eye (in the wind's eye)
true azimuth / bearing
true horizon
true north (TN)
bearing, true
true heat capacity
knots true airspeed (KTAS)
runway true bearing
true air speed
true airspeed (TAS) indicator
true altitude
true east
true freezing point
true heading (TH)
true radio bearing
true vertical
true airspeed (TAS)
true Mach number (TMN)
true airspeed
true course display
true course