навчання / маневри військ
troop-carrier squadron / troop carrier squadron
aggressor forces (exercises)
combat readiness exercises
controller (exercises)
exercises / manoeuvres / war games
Head of Directing Staff (HDS) (exercises)
multinational training exercises
maneuvers and training exercises
sand table exercises (STEX)
CBR exercises
martial exercises
air cavalry troop
armored cavalry troop
assault helicopter company / troop
attack helicopter troop
automated troop command and control system
cavalry troop
engineer troop unit
headquarters and headquarters battery / company / detachment / troop (HHB / HHC / HHD/ HHT)
non-NATO troop contributing nation (NNTCN)
security in troop movement
separate cavalry troop
transportation and troop movement
troop carrier
troop carrier aircraft
troop compartment
troop concentration
troop contributing nation (TCN)
troop headquarters section
troop information
troop manoeuvres