загородження з трьох рядів дротяних спіралей; (в два яруси)
double concertina fence
single concertina fence
sit on the fence / be on the fence (in the Ukraine war)
barbed wire concertina
concertina (wire)
double magazine pouch, triple mag pouch
triple consistent fire concentration
triple transducer unit
triple modular redundancy
triple-baffle muzzle brake
triple-base propellant
triple-spool compressor
triple-conversion receiver
triple-detection receiver
single-phase and triple-phase convertor switcher
barbed wire fence
clear a fence
double apron fence
double-apron fence
electric fence
fence wire
Lapland fence
single strand fence
sit on the fence
surveillance fence
trestle apron fence
wing fence
knock-down fence
blast fence
break-down fence
jagged picket fence
wire fence