навчальні боєприпаси
live-fire training (field-fire training)
atomic demolitions munitions company (ADM co)
biological munitions
bursting-type munitions
captured munitions
destruction of surplus munitions
Family of Munitions (FOM)
field expedient munitions
improved conventional munitions (ICM)
improved conventional munitions (ICM) projectile
incendiary munitions
munitions factory
Munitions Safety Information Analysis Centre (MSIAC) (NATO)
neutralized munitions
optical munitions
standard munitions
surplus munitions
tactical munitions dispenser (TMD)
Anti-Personnel Improved Conventional Munitions (APICM)
MLRS family of munitions (MFOM)
2008 Convention on Cluster Munitions, (CCM, the)
abandoned cluster munitions
cluster munition / cluster munitions
Convention of Cluster Munitions (CCM)
inertially aided munitions
WP munitions (white phosphorus)
Army TACMS Family of Munitions (AFOM)
Director of Munitions
Director-General of Munitions Production
Munitions Assignment Board
munitions distributing point