(розм.) представляти до присвоєння офіцерського звання
blade tip light / main-rotor blade tip light
main-rotor blade tip light blade tip light
commission, to resign one’s commission
pointed tip
projectile tip
spoil tip
target intelligence package (TIP)
wing tip
tip of comb
finger tip control
finger-tip adjusting
wing-tip aileron
blade-tip vortex
hub-tip ratio
tip rib
active blade-tip clearance control system
wing tip clearance line
circumferential tip velocity
exhaust pipe tip (left)
exhaust pipe tip (right)
helical tip velocity
non-removable tip
plane of rotation / tip path plane
removable tip
tip path plane / plane of rotation
tip speed ratio
tip vortex
tip-path plane
blade tip
spray tip
tip the scale allowed
tip the scale of war (in favor of)