оточувати, замикати в кільце
throw up flak
throw a weapon
throw the main weight (into)
throw out a white
throw (troops) into the line
throw away the scabbard
throw fire (into)
throw up fire
throw an attack in force
throw someone in the meat grinder
thermal arc engine / arcjet
arc light
alternative arc of fire
windage arc
wind-gauge arc
arc jet engine
electric arc
crescent-shaped circular arc aerofoil section
circular arc aerofoil section
flat-convex circular arc aerofoil section
arc welding
arc-shaped aerofoil section
zinc-xenon arc lamp
elevating arc
elevating arc clamp
minute of angle (MOA) / arcminute, minute of arc
arc bridge
arc clinometer
arc of elevation
arc of fire
arc of training
arc sight