планування операцій на ТВД
logistics preparation of the theater (LPT)
major theater
major theater of war (MTW)
theater army
theater artillery
theater ballistic missile
theater base
theater based aircraft
theater capabilities statement of requirements (TCSOR)
Theater Capability Statement of Requirements (TCSOR)
theater commander
theater high altitude air defense (THAAD) system
theater intelligence
theater level support
theater logistic system
theater missile (TM)
theater missile
theater missile defense (TMD)
theater movement coordination centre
theater of operations (TO)
theater of war
theater patient movement requirements center (TPMRC)
theater staging area
eployment to the Theater
Theater Area of Operations (TAOO)
theater environment
theater nuclear forces (TNE)
intermediate range in-theater nuclear force
long-range theater nuclear forces
NATO Theater Nuclear Weapons forces
Strategic and Theater Nuclear Forces Policy Deputy Assistant Secretary