тимчасова (вогнева) позиція
tentative firing position
tentative allowance list
tentative basis of issue
tentative calculated landing time
tentative classification of damage
tentative classification of defects
tentative classification of documents
tentative CNO program analysis memorandum
tentative decision
tentative definition
tentative doctrine
tentative draft
tentative force guidance
tentative minefield location
tentative operational requirements
tentative patrol base
tentative plan
tentative planning and programming guidance memorandum
tentative program objectives
tentative site
tentative specific operational requirement
tentative specification
tentative table of equipment
tentative table of organization and equipment
tentative time
tentative unit allowance list
launching position (missile position)
changeover from travelling position to fire position
position and navigation unit / position navigation unit (PNU)
in position / in-position
alternate position