тимчасові квартирні гроші; тимчасове грошове квартирне забезпечення
draw a lodging allowance
family lodging allowance
lodging allowance
basic allowance for housing (BAH) (застар. - basic allowance for quarters BAQ)
general temporary assistance (staff / personnel)
naval operating base (fixed or temporary)
temporary appointment
temporary casualties
temporary civilian personnel
temporary expedient
temporary grade
temporary incapacitation
be on TDY (Temporary Duty)
temporary duty (TDY)
temporary repair
temporary aerodrome
temporary detention facility
temporary flight restriction (TFR)
allowance of food
combat allowance
daily allowance
fuel allowance
house allowance
issue allowance
prescribed allowance
quarters allowance
table of distribution and allowance
variable housing allowance (VHA)
ammunition allowance
money allowance
tentative allowance list
tentative unit allowance list