вогні місць перетину руліжних доріжок
taxiway intersection
marker lights (mark lights)
rotary intersection
T-type intersection
detection, ranging, cross bearing, intersection
intersection, direct sighting
intersection of the cross hairs
graphic intersection
intersection and resection technique
taxiway (TW)
by-pass taxiway
apron taxiway
auxiliary taxiway
exit taxiway
high speed (exit) taxiway
main taxiway (MTW)
taxiway centre line
taxiway centre line light
taxiway edge light
taxiway light
taxiway marking
taxiway pavement
taxiway shoulder
taxiway side stripe
taxiway strip
connecting taxiway (CTW)
rapid exit taxiway (RETW)
anticollision lights
dim lights
high-intensity lights
first lights