штормове попередження
storm boat
storm drain
Storm Shadow / SCALP-EG
sand storm / sandstorm
dust storm / duststorm
magnetic storm
snow storm
surface storm conditions
fire storm
carry by storm
storm the front
Warning text that appears when the battery voltage falls below warning threshold
advance warning
advance-warning satellite
air defense early warning
airborne early warning (AEW)
airborne early warning aircraft
airborne warning and control aircraft
Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS)
distant early warning line
early warning (air defense)
early warning (EW)
early warning ground-based radar (EW GBR)
early warning radar station
early warning sharing (system) (EWS)
early warning system (EWS)
early warning system (EWS) operator
fire a warning shot
gas alarm / warning
missile attack warning
missile early-warning system