безконтактна зброя шокової дії (тимчасового ураження)
close-in stun gun
stun gun
stun baton
stun belt
stun bullet
stun grenade / flash grenade / flashbang / thunderflash / sound bomb
stun-bag projectile
stun the enemy
stand-off detector
Stand-Off Explosives Detection Programme (STANDEX)
stand-off force
stand-off IED detection
stand-off weapon
joint air-to-surface stand-off missile, extended range (JASSM-ER)
standoff missile / stand-off missile
long-range standoff missile (long-range stand off, LRSO)
stand-off distance of shock wave
stand off an attack
stand off the target
stand-off capability
stand off
stand-off jamming
stand-by gun crew
electrical circuit
electrical equipment
electrical facilities
electrical release unit
electrical rerouting
electrical-action mine
negative electrical charge
Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (REME)